Saturday, February 18, 2012

This Amazing, Radical Life! simply would not believe what has happened over these past two weeks! I am not sure I even know where to start!!!

1) We took temporary guardianship of Brandon, Brittany, Brianna, Brian, and Bria on February 5. We were terrified, excited, worried, and hesitant, but took this huge step, totally trusting our Lord. He Has always been faithful.

2) The very next day, a family we had been praying for asked if they could be considered as a family for Bria, the 2 year old. We packed Bria up, and she went to stay with them on a home visit, to see how it would go. She is still there! She calls Heather momma already, and cries when she leaves her sight!

3) Another day passes, and a family from our Sunday morning small group drops a bomb on us! They would like to meet Brandon, the 15 year old, and are considering offering him a permanent home with them! I cannot tell you how surprised, but excited we were with this news! This is the perfect family for Brandon! He spent several evenings with them, and then moved in!

4) That left us with Brittany-13, Brianna-12, and Brian 10. A manageable number, considering we still have 6 at home already! Things have gone fairly well. The girls have been fabulous. Brian is harder, as he has significant delays and some anger issues. But, he has an amazing affectionate side to him, that has touched my heart.

5) This past week, I talked with their birthmother, as to her future plans for the children. She told me she was ready to sign them over to our agency, and move forward. Our conversation left me with such mixed feelings. The very next day, she went to the agency, and terminated her parental rights. Just like that. Wow.

6) So.......the plan! Bria is in the process of being adopted by the Townsends. A perfect match for her! Brandon has found his forever family with the Prices. An unexpected, but also a perfect match! And we are in the process of becoming permanent parents to Brittany, Brianna, and Brian! Again I say.....WOW.

7) And one more amazing thing happened this week. I have a peanut little Chinese peanut I have been advocating for. Her name is Liu Run Tong AKA Kara, and she is 2 years old. She has Beta Thalassemia, just like my MengYan. This week, our dear friends, the Abla's received their pre-apporval from China, and they will be making her a permanent part of their family! I am doing the HAPPY DANCE! I am not sure who I am more excited for.....ME, Her, and Them!!! LOL

God, this is one heck of a ride. I was the woman who did not want children. You have taken my selfish heart, and changed it so radically, that I am preparing myself to become the momma to ELEVEN children. AND I AM HAPPY ABOUT IT! Really HAPPY!!!

More updates to come. But probably not quite as often, as I am just a wee but busier than usual! LOL
May God bless you all, and may you choose to always obey Him! His plan is perfect!

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